When I imagine a Khorne army, I see a mass of blood-soaked madmen charging across the field and hurling themselves at the enemy. Barely any shooting in sight apart from the traditional bolt pistols. More organized and tactical than orcs, but not exactly subtle! So, what units in the Space Wolves codex seems to fit?
Fortunately for me, both troops selections make sense. Blood Claws represent the more rash/blood-lusty marines, charging headlong at the enemy: extra bonuses on the change, the headstrong rule to drive them into combat. Grey Hunters represent the more calculating marines: using tactical advantages to reap the most skulls.
Some of the elite troops work as well. Wolf Guard fit well, allowing me to put very killy Champions of Khorne in other units. A Lone Wolf could be a rabid marine (or even lesser demon) who doesn't even care if he dies so long as he takes lots of enemies with him. Wolf Scouts? Maybe. Another more tactical unit, we'll see if I can justify it fluff-wise.
Thunderwolf Cav is it, as far as fast attack is concerned. Highly specialized, highly customized, highly killy monsters - what's not to love?
Unfortunately, heavy support is a wash... all of the units are fire support rather than close combat oriented. Ah, well.
There are plenty of HQ options, but I'm going to pass on all of the named characters - I'd rather construct my own. Of the non-named options, I think the Wolf Lord and Wolf Priest will fit the bill. One will be the tooled-up unstoppable killing machine, while the other will be an exalted Chamption of Khorne who whips his followers into a mindless frenzy! Sweet. :)
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